Thus, EMTF begins to edit "THE EDUCATIONAL GAZETTE" in electronic format. We hope that browsing «THE EDUCATIONAL GAZETTE» you will find useful and convenient information and study materials about selected educational issues in order to improve and start new roads towards a sublime goal: to eventually be able to say, ' I love', 'I think' , 'I can', 'I'm free'
Emilia Mª Trevisi Foundation |
«Educational Gazette», House Organ of EMTF is distributed freely to subscribers all over the world in electronic format
Dear Readers,
EMILIA MARIA TREVISI FOUNDATION (EMTF) is putting forward a proposal for change.
Life carries changes: living is changing. The process through which our potentials develop into attitudes implies change. Even if we do not mean to change, we inexorably do so under the influence of the environment which involves each one of us. The moment we burst into the world we start our journey towards a sublime goal: to eventually be able to say, ' I love', 'I think' , 'I can', 'I'm free', that is, towards our own personal growth. To deny change is to become anachronistic, to refuse to face reality, to sink in loneliness and anxiety, to breed selfishness and disregard for others. To foster change, we need a harmonious man capable of seeing himself as well as the world around him.
Thus, EMTF begins to edit "THE EDUCATIONAL GAZETTE" in electronic format
We hope that browsing «THE EDUCATIONAL GAZETTE» you will find useful and convenient information and study materials about selected educational issues in order to improve and start new roads towards a sublime goal: to eventually be able to say, ' I love', 'I think' , 'I can', 'I'm free'
We consider important to receive collaborations and/or suggestions from all of you interested in educational issues, so as to improve "THE EDUCATIONAL GAZETTE" introducing new sections.
Welcome, then, to EMTF and to "THE EDUCATIONAL GAZETTE", for us to grow.
Carlos A. Trevisi
EMT Foundation
Articles (I)

The U.S. Geological Survey provides scientific information intended to help educate the public about natural resources, natural hazards, geospatial data, and issues that affect our quality of life. Discover selected online resources, including lessons, data, maps, and more, to support teaching, learning, education (K-12), and university-level inquiry and research.
Studies in Vocational and Professional Education
School of Education and Professional Studies (Brisbane-Logan), Griffith University, Nathan, 4111, Australia. Stephen Billett Email: |
Reviews Educational Policy
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies Critical Pedagogy

Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
María Calviño goes over one of the most well-known poems of Coleridge. The article was edited in "Cuadernos de Literatura Inglesa y Norteamericana". María Calviño is PH en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, República Argentina, and Professor of "Literaturas de habla inglesa" en la Facultad de Humanidades in the same university.
The Lost Tools of Learning
Symposium On Education By Dorothy L. Sayers (1893-1967)
Symposium On Education By Dorothy L. Sayers (1893-1967)
NASA Kid´s Club
Secondary Education
Secondary Education
Tertiary Education
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Tertiary Education
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Events (2006 / 2007)
Events (2006 / 2007)
One-Dimensional Man
The Catastrophe of Liberation, by Herbert Marcuse
The Catastrophe of Liberation, by Herbert Marcuse
"To take an (unfortunately fantastic) example: the mere absence of all advertising and of all indoctrinating media of information and entertainment would plunge the individual into a traumatic void where he would have the chance to wonder and to think, to know himself (or rather the negative of himself) and his society. Deprived of his false fathers leaders, friends, and representatives, he would have to learn his ABC's again. But the words and sentences which he would form might come out very differently, and so might his aspirations and fears.
To be sure, such a situation would be an unbearable nightmare.
NASA Kid´s Club
Secondary Education
Secondary Education
Tertiary Education
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Tertiary Education
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Events (2006 / 2007)
Rosa Penna, Universidad Católica Argentina ( lectured on A Passage to India: Unions and Ruptures in Forster´s Novel (with Echoes from Walt Whitman)Events (2006 / 2007)

Prof. Rosa Penna is a collaborator of Emilia María Trevisi Foundation
(Victor Pellegrini and Juan Cerro -guitar; José Menese -lyrics) García Lorca
General Information
Higher Education Around the World
World Wide Colleges and Universities
Overseas Bilingual Schools
National Curriculum in Action
Key Stages 1,2,3 and 4
European Projects
Institute and Museum of History of Science
Michael of Rhodes
Institute and Museum of History of Science
Michael of Rhodes
A Parents' Guide
Special Education Needs (2006-2007)
Special Education Needs (2006-2007)
The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames believes that all residents of this borough, along with other users of its services, are entitled to fair and equal access to the full range of its services. It does not tolerate discrimination in any form and actively looks to identify where there is discrimination and to make the necessary changes to stop it.
The History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine
Articles (II)
Almost one-in-10 primary schools in UK could be closed or taken over amid growing concerns over “chronic” under-performance in English and maths, according to official league tables published today.
Pegado de <>
British Schools curricula (compare Spanish school´s performances)
The latest primary school league tables show children's test performance in English and maths taken in the final year of primary school in England.
NEW! The Paradox of Choice de Barry Schwartz (Video)
Ohio State
British History Timeline![]()
University of Viterbo
Thirteenth Annual Institute: Educational and Legal Issues of Educating Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities
Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies Gregory Martin
Critical Pedagogy as Community Praxis , by Gregory Martin Dave Hill
The most popular artist searches last month: a not-to-be-taken-too-seriously measurement of which famous artists have the greatest "mindshare" in our collective culture.

From domestic furnishings and decorative art to architecture and advertising, the curved lines and floral themes of Art Nouveau - also known as Stile Liberty or Jugendstil - swept through every European capital around 1900, bringing a fresh elegance to urban life.

James Alison
Sustainable Development EPISTEMOLOGICAL CHALLENGES TO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, by Gilberto Gallopín, October 2004
University of Oxford
Sir David King warns of climate change conflict
The Iraq war was the first ‘resource war’ according to Professor Sir David King, Director of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment and a former UK government chief scientist.
Climate change may kill the Amazon rainforest
The dieback of the Amazonian forests caused by climate change is not inevitable but remains a distinct possibility, according to a study led by the Professor of Ecosystem Science at Oxford University.

Going nowhere fast: top rivers face mounting threats
Many Major Rivers in Danger of Drying Out - WWF
Story by Douwe Miedema
WWF says pollution, dams threaten rivers
By Eliane Engeler, Associated Press Writer
Many Major Rivers in Danger of Drying Out - WWF
Story by Douwe Miedema
WWF says pollution, dams threaten rivers
By Eliane Engeler, Associated Press Writer
- A Question of Catholic Honesty by Daniel C. MaguireAbortion is always tragic, but the tragedy of abortion is not always immoral. Hand-wringingly sensitive to divergent views, the Catholic bishops give all sides a hearing, even the winnable nuclear war hypothesis -- a position they themselves find abhorrent, but change the topic to abortion, and nothing is the same.
- Abortion and Moral Consensus: Beyond Solomon’s Choice by Madonna KolbenschlagSome churchmen and politicians are so intransigent on the issue of abortion, over which men have no physical control, and so tolerant of killing in war, over which men have always had control.
- Abortion and Theology by Martin E. Marty
Are senior citizens being overmedicated?
Strong, antipsychotic drugs are being prescribed more often to senior citizens in U.S. nursing homes, setting off a debate about whether it's the right treatment for the elderly suffering from dementia. Daniel Levinson, inspector general for the Department of Health and Human Services, believes this increase - detailed in a recent study by his office - is a cause for alarm. "The report found that too often, elderly residents are prescribed antipsychotic drugs in ways that violate government standards for unnecessary drug use," he wrote in a commentary for
CONTENTS of Music History 102:
As is usual with information on the history of Western music, this site has been organized according to the eras of history:
- The Middle Ages
- The Renaissance
- The Baroque Age
- The Classical Period
- The Romantic Era
- The Twentieth Century
Paintings & Painters.
Styles of Painting
Todo acerca de Nueva York (English)
Metropolitan Museum of New York
Featured Catalogue: Rooms with a View Tuesday, April 26, 2011.
Muestra de pinturas que exhiben vistas a través de ventanas. (English)
Art Project (Powered by Google)
Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even
create and share your own collection of masterpieces.
Go to
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Nueva York)
MOMA on the Google Art Project
Special Exhibitions
February 4–June 1, 2011
February 11–May 1, 2011
February 26–September 11, 2011
Collection on View
Paintings & Painters.
Styles of Painting
British Museum (England)
The British Museum in London is one of the world's greatest museums of human history and culture. Its collections, which number more than 13 million objects from all continents, illustrate and document the story of human culture from its beginning to the present. The British Museum was established in 1753, largely based on the collections of the physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. The museum first opened to the public on 15 January 1759 in Montagu House in Bloomsbury
Louvre Museum (France)
The Louvre Museum in Paris, France, is the most visited and one of the oldest, largest, and most famous art galleries and museums in the world. The Louvre has a long history of artistic and historic conservation, inaugurated in the Capetian dynasty until today. The building was previously a royal place and is famous for holding several of the world's most beautiful works of art, such as Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, The Virgin and Child with St. Anne, Madonna of the Rocks, and Alexandros of Antioch's Venus de Milo. Located in the centre of the city of Paris.
New York Skyline (USA)
New York City is a city in the southern area of the state of New York. It is the most populous city in the United States of America. New York City is an important economic center, with its business, finance, trading, law, and media organizations influential around the globe.[1] The city is also an important cultural center, with many museums, galleries, and performance venues. Home of the United Nations, the city is a hub for international diplomacy.
St Peter's Basilica (Vatican City)
The Basilica of Saint Petrus, officially known in Italian as the Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano and coloquially called Saint Peter's Basilica, is one of four major basilicas of Rome. It is the most prominent building inside the Vatican City. Its dome is also a dominant feature of the Roman skyline. Saint Peter's is also incidentally the patriarchal basilica of Constantinople whereas the Lateran Basilica is the patriarchal basilica of Rome. Possibly the largest church building in Christianity.
St. Mark's Basilica (Italy)
St Mark's Basilica, the cathedral of Venice, is the most famous of the city's churches and one of the best known examples of Byzantine architecture. It lies on St Mark's Square, adjacent and connected to the Doge's Palace and has been the seat of the Patriarch of Venice, archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Venice since 1807.
Uffizi Gallery (Italy)
The Uffizi Gallery is housed in the Palazzo degli Uffizi, a palazzo in Florence, Italy, housing one of the oldest and most famous art museums in the world. Today the Uffizi is one of the most popular tourist attractions of Florence. In high season (particularly in July), waiting times can be up to five hours. Visitors who reserve a ticket in advance have a substantially shorter wait.
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